What is this service?
A request for network-related connectivity. Wi-Fi, ethernet, and SJR State-provided infrastructure requests should be made here. Permissions/Credentials requests should be made using the "Accounts & Access" category of the Service Catalog
Who is this service for?
Faculty, Staff, Students, and anyone using connectivity provided by SJR State
How do I request this service?
Use the "Request Assistance" button on this page, e-mail "ITDepartment@SJRState.edu" , or call the Helpdesk at 386-312-4142
What information is needed?
Name of person requesting assistance, computer name/location if applicable, general description of the issue.
What happens after I make my request?
A Helpdesk Technician will give an itemized list of what needs to be done, if anything, when you call the Helpdesk at 386-312-4142